Differnce in expeirience

There are always these two guys that stop by my dorm room and tlak to my roomate and I. Their both really humerous and nice to talk to, but the way they get people involved in the conversation is really interesting. They ask all kinds of probing questions, about everything and anything. They ask questions that they know people won�t know the answer to, or have to think about. It gets people to talk about themselves, and make them realize things about themselves at the same time.

Anyways, they were in my room and pointed a picture of me and the boy, asking who he was. I stated that it was my boyfriend (just to make things simpler). They asked how old he was. I said 21. They said they thought he was 24, he looked like a brother or something. For some reason I found that comment not just offensive, but hurtful. And I couldn�t figure out why. I explained he was 21 and it�s a freshman dating a junior, its not a big deal. They kept asking me if it was hard with the difference in level of maturity. I said no, and now that I think of it, my answer is still no. The age presents a different problem than maturity. It�s life experience. Even though were now both in college, were in very different points in our life. And its not so much the 18 and 21 that�s the problem, but our expiernce. What I mean by that is, just he�s so much farther in life it feels like. And hes been through o much more. I�m a late bloomer, in all aspects of the word. Emotionally, physically, mentally. Well, maybe not mentally. But the point is I�m 18, and the boy is the only thing I�ve had that�s anywhere near a boyfriend. Or could even be called or considered one in some way. He�s also the boy that was my first real kiss, and the boy that I lost my virginity to. He�s my first of everything. And I have no problem with that. But the fact that he�s kissed so many other girls, dated so many other girls, and had sex�with so many girls, that kind of gets to me. I�m a freshman in college, its my turn to experiment and to see what�s out there. He�s had all that. He�s talked about being able to see me as his wife, some place in the far far future. I can see that too, but do I really want to marry or consider marrying the only boy I�ve ever been with? What if he�s not the one for me. I�ve never been with anyone else..and in a way that scares me.

At the same time, I don�t want to let him go. I can�t let him go. I can�t live without him in my life, I almost lost him and I just cried, and cried, and cried.

He knows I�m younger, that I have no expiernce, and he takes that into perspective. That�s where our complicated situation comes in. You could say were �together� but since were going to school so far away from eachother, were non-exclusive. In other words, were just sitting, waiting for one of us to get hurt. Well, both of us get hurt. And I can almost already tell its him, that�s going to be hurt. Maybe it makes me a horrible person to admit that? Maybe I�m just not as good of a person as him�maybe I�m just more tempted than him? I mean, I kissed another guy this summer, and I told the boy, because he said he wanted to know, and it was chaos. Complete chaos and disaster. He had acted as if I had sex with the guy, it was simply a kiss or two� Though we have a �non-exclusive� relationship it wasn�t okay according to him. And he freaked out. I don�t blame him, I know I would be hurt too, I might not have freaked out to that extent, but yeah. I don�t know. I�m confused what to do. It�d probably be better for me and healthier to be with some one near me, or not be with anyone at all, not having to feel guilty for being interested in a guy near me. But, I just can�t let go. And in a lot of ways I don�t want to. I just�I just don�t know�

I�ve been through so little, he�s been through so much. And its like, if he�s been through so much, with so many people, and this relationship is one that he�s pretty decided on, dedicated enough to hold it across the country, than what we have must be pretty damn good. So why would I want to ruin that?

But isn�t the want to experiment and see what else is out there natural?

I�m sure I�ve wrote and questioned this a million times before, but it just seems to keep coming up somehow� meh.

The point is, I don�t know, that I never know�Stupid college life, stupid trying to find myself, stupid growing up.

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